Do you wish there was someone to help you when you first started college? Do you do well in certain subjects? Are you looking for a position with a flexible schedule? If so, consider applying to work with us at the Tutoring & Academic Success Center!

Student employee opportunities include: front desk reception, peer tutor, peer mentor, communication & social media support and more.  

Benefits include:

  • Improved communication and interpersonal skills
  • Increased course mastery & knowledge of campus resources
  • Relevant experience for your resume
  • Internationally recognized CLRA Peer Tutor Training
  • Opportunity to meet other students & to connect with UMN staff

Applicants for all student positions must have good interpersonal communication skills and ability to relate with people from varying educational, cultural, and social backgrounds. Applicants should also consider themselves to be responsible, reliable, and punctual.

Tutor minimum requirements:

  • Completion of the course(s) in which tutoring is to be offered, with minimum grade of A.
  • Cumulative UMN GPA of 3.0 (3.2 preferred)

Mentor minimum requirements:

  • Prior experience as a tutor.
  • Have good interpersonal communication skills and ability to relate with people from varying educational, cultural, and social backgrounds. 

Communication Intern minimum requirements:

  • Experience with social media publishing
  • Exceptional communication & writing skills

Application Process

Open positions are posted on the University’s student employment website.

  • Complete the University's employment application 
  • Submit a faculty recommendation letter (tutor positions)  

Peer Tutor Training

All prospective tutors must attend a College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Training Workshop on topics related to peer-to-peer learning before beginning work as a tutor. Tutor training sessions are offered at the beginning of each academic semester. Additional training sessions occur throughout the semester during mandatory meetings. The initial tutor training program is also part of a pathway that can lead to CRLA Tutor Certification levels 2 and 3. Tutor pay increases are attached to completion of CRLA level 2 and level 3. 

  • Fall training: August 31st and September 1st
  • Spring training: January 11th and 12th


The College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) is a professional organization for people who are active in the fields of reading, learning assistance, tutoring, and mentoring at the college level. CRLA’s overall purpose is to provide a forum for the interchange of ideas and information to improve student learning, and to facilitate the professional growth of its members. 

The CRLA International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) process sets an internationally accepted standard of skills and best practices for training tutors. The Peer Tutoring Program at UMN holds CRLA ITTPC certification in three levels.